Thirty-year changes of vascular plants in Beijing
Qinwen Lin (Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences/National Botanical Garden), Chaoran Wu (National Botanical Garden), Xia Cui(National Botanical Garden), Jinshuang Ma (National Botanical Garden)
Release time:2022/11/21 8:32:05

Plant names are the basic elements for the activities of botanical research and utilization by human. The change of the plant names could be resulted in a barrier among different fields, and the wrong identification or misuse of plant names could bring with inconveniences or even damages. As the capital of China, Beijing has higher requirements for the the standard and capacity on managing plant diversity information changes under the situation of biodiversity conservation and ecological civilization construction. It is very important for botanists, horticulturalists and practitioners in plant-related industries to update the changes of plant names and their processes in a timely and accurate manner. Based on various reports of vascular plants in Beijing in the past 30 years (from 1992 through 2021), both journals and books published during this period, including new taxa, new records and new distribution, we updated vascular plants of Flora of Beijing (1992 Revised Edition). In total, from 1992 through 2021, the vascular plants of Beijing have been added by 34 new taxa, 175 new records, 509 new synonyms, 49 wrong identifications as well as 50 unsure taxa.

Key words
vascular plants, new taxa, new record, new information, Beijing
Data set information
Data reference
Reference: |
林秦文, 吴超然, 崔夏, 马金双 (2022) 北京维管植物三十年之变化. 生物多样性, 30, 22107. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022107; Qinwen Lin, Chaoran Wu, Xia Cui, Jinshuang Ma (2022) Thirty-year changes of vascular plants in Beijing. Biodiversity Science, 30, 22107. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022107 |
Data reference: |
Normative references:Thirty-year changes of vascular plants in Beijing, 2022, Plant Data Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, DOI:10.17520/biods.2022107, CSTR:34735.11.BIODS.2022107 |
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