Data Set>> Ex-SITU
Introduction Data of Chrysanthemum Varieties (2022)
Zhijun Lu (Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Yongkuan Zhang (Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Release time:2023/11/15 15:46:05
Chrysanthemum (Autumn Chrysanthemum) is one of the "Four Gentlemen" and is deeply loved by the Chinese people. White, yellow, red, and purple in various colors, with a unique head shape. Wuhan Botanical Garden is one of the important institutions for chrysanthemum collection and conservation in China, and peer exchange at home and abroad is an important way of introduction. This dataset is sourced from the introduction data of 87 chrysanthemum varieties obtained by Wuhan Botanical Garden from Wuhan Liberation Park in May 2022, including serial number, introduction registration number, Latin family name, Chinese family name, Latin genus name, Chinese genus name, Latin name (excluding nominees), Chinese name, Latin name, Latin name (tentative), Chinese name (tentative), introduction date, introduction personnel, initial planting site, detailed introduction site, introduction quantity Introduction materials, material status, introduction source, sampling method, editor, creation date, and remarks. The introducer and editor are Zhang Yongkuan. This data is of great significance for understanding the collection and conservation of chrysanthemum varieties in Wuhan region.
Key words
Chrysanthemum, variety, Wuhan
Data reference
Data reference: Normative references:Introduction Data of Chrysanthemum Varieties (2022), 2023, Plant Data Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, DOI:10.12282/plantdata.1433, CSTR:34735.11.PLANTDATA.1433
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  Acknowledgement for the data support from Plant Data Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (https://www.plantplus.cn).
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Corresponding Author:Zhijun Lu (Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Connector:Zhijun Lu
Email address:luzj@wbgcas.cn
  • Contact:
  • plantdata@ibcas.ac.cn
  • 010-6283 6499
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