Vegetation Map of the People's Republic of China(1:1000000)
Xinshi Zhang (Editorial Committee of China Vegetation Map, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Release time:2023/10/11 14:22:11
The Vegetation Map of the People's Republic of China (1:1,000,000) is a scientific achievement completed by more than 200 scientists, including Academicians Hou Xueyu and Zhang Xinshi, after more than 30 years of hard work. This atlas exhibits the whole picture of vegetation in China, including the distribution of 55 vegetation types, 960 types of formations, and more than 2,000 dominant plant species. The illustrations for this atlas present detailed information on the geographic patterns of vegetation, vegetation classification principles and systems, the floristic composition of vegetation formations and subformations, community characteristics, habitat conditions, and eco-geographic distribution patterns, as well as brief and refined evaluations of the economic value of plants.The atlas is the first to digitize thematic resource maps on a national scale, thereby greatly promoting advances in vegetation ecology and bridging vegetation science with related sciences; it is essential for natural resource management, environmental monitoring, basic research, and other public services.
Key words
China, vegetation type, vegetation map, 1:1000000
Data reference
Reference: 文献引用(中文):
张新时. 中华人民共和国植被图(1:1 000 000) [M].地质出版社, 2007

Zhang X S. Vegetation map of the People's Republic of China (1:1 000 000) [M]. Geology Press, 2007
Data reference: Normative references:Vegetation Map of the People's Republic of China(1:1000000), 2021, Plant Data Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, DOI:10.12282/plantdata.0155, CSTR:34735.11.PLANTDATA.0155
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  Acknowledgement for the data support from Plant Data Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (https://www.plantplus.cn).
Access statistics
Data service
Page view: 62744,Downloads: 19954
Geographic range
Spatial resolution:10km
Corresponding Author:Xinshi Zhang (Editorial Committee of China Vegetation Map, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Connector:Xinshi Zhang
Email address:iplant@ibcas.ac.cn