Data Set>> SPECIES
Online system of Plant Photo Bank of China
Release time:2022/11/7 10:29:48
Plant Photo Bank of China (ppbc), established in 2008, is a full-time plant image management organization established by Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Systematic collection, collation and long-term preservation of plant photos, negatives, slides, digital image source files and other plant discipline related image original files and copies. Using the latest classification system, this library has collected nearly 100000 original pictures of plants, slides of pteridophytes and other wild plants, and 7000000 digital pictures of 38000 species of 5400 genera and 500 families. In scientific research, popular science education, book publishing, economic and social services and other aspects, it has produced obvious effect.
Key words
Plants, classification, photo
Data reference
Data reference: Normative references:Online system of Plant Photo Bank of China, 2021, Plant Data Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, DOI:10.12282/plantdata.0009, CSTR:34735.11.PLANTDATA.0009
Terms of use
To respect the intellectual property rights, protect the rights of data authors, expand services of the data center, and evaluate the application potential of data, data users should clearly indicate the source of the data and the author of the data in the research results generated by using the data (including published papers, articles, data products, and unpublished research reports, data products and other results). For re-posting (second or multiple releases) data, the author must also indicate the source of the original data.
  Acknowledgement for the data support from Plant Data Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences (https://www.plantplus.cn).
Access statistics
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Page view: 40227,Downloads: 20638
Geographic range
Spatial resolution:10m
Corresponding Author:中国科学院植物研究所
Email address:iplant@ibcas.ac.cn